Let’s admit it: productivity is a tricky little thing. Some days, we breeze through our to-do list with little effort but then, on others, we barely make a dent on all of the tasks we said we’d do for the day. If you’re the latter and feeling a little overwhelmed or scattered at work, then perhaps it’s time to give your workspace a little love and attention! This is because your workspace has an impact on how productive you end up being. By organizing it in a way that’s ideal, you can give your focus a boost, increase your overall sense of well-being and maximize your productivity!
This is why in today’s blog post, we’ve put together six different tips and tricks on how to best get your personal workspace organized so you can do more!
1. Clean regularly.
This goes without saying but let’s be honest: sometimes our tasks pile up and we simply don’t have the time to clean up. We’re either too caught up in our tasks or are too tired after we finish them so we don’t bother at all and put it off for later—until later becomes tomorrow, next week, next month, and so on. Still, why do it?
A clean workspace not only looks better—it can also lessen the pressure of additional tasks on top of already important ones that we need to do. Just imagine trying to finish anything in the midst of a mess: instead of being able to focus, we’ll be distracted by all the clutter that serves as a reminder of more things we need to take care of later on. To be more focused and energized, take a few minutes at the end of each day to tidy up your desk and put things away. You’ll be amazed by the difference the next day: it will feel like you’re starting fresh!
One of the first and simplest steps in organizing your workspace is to clear the clutter. This means getting rid of anything that doesn't serve a purpose or bring you joy. Take a look around your desk, take stock of each item you’ve accumulated, and ask yourself, “Do I really need this?” If the answer is no, then toss it, keep it in storage, or donate it.
2. Implement a physical system for your to-do’s.
Nothing wastes more time than having no idea what to do next. No matter how much of a clear idea we have of everything we need to finish the entire day, having a system that allows us to visually see what they are can make a big difference. That said, it’s essential to allot space in your workspace for a dedicated to-do list, planner, or calendar.
Now that we’re in the digital age, you have the option to use Google Calendar or Google Keep for your schedule and tasks, but on our end, we prefer the more analog approach! Why? We can customize our calendar and list the way we like and it’s a system that doesn’t need any charging! We also have access to it anytime, anywhere, without having to worry about battery life, plugging it in, or turning anything on.
Now, this isn’t to say you shouldn’t go digital—you can! Choose what works for you. If one or the other, or a mix of the two is ideal, then go for it! Here’s a list of the pros and cons of digital versus paper if you’d like a breakdown.
3. Create sections for specific things.
How many times have you paused work far too long just because you can’t find something you need? This is why having dedicated sections in your workspace is a great way to maximize your productivity—you’ll have a place for certain groups of items where you know you’ll find them each time they’re needed.
For example, you might have a section for your computer and other electronic devices, another for your paperwork, and a separate one for certain supplies. If you need something from a section, especially if they’re small and easy to take anywhere else, not only will you know these items are where they’re supposed to be, they’ll also have their own space where you can return them to. It becomes a cycle of taking and putting them back in their proper place—which means there’s no need to turn your desk upside down for a single paper clip, a pen, or a pair of scissors.
This will also help you stay focused on what you’re doing and keep you from getting distracted by unrelated items!
4. Don’t underestimate proper storage!
Having ample storage space already helps you with three things from this list. It can assist you in preventing clutter since you’ll be able to stow away unneeded items out of sight until you have a use for them, which means tidying up becomes quick and easy! It will also make sectioning off your workplace so much simpler: storage solutions such as filing cabinets or shelves can keep things like paperwork organized and within reach, making it easier to access what you need to get your work done.
This also frees up valuable desk space and makes your workspace feel more open and inviting to work in. If you’re comfortable, then you’re more likely to be productive which can have a positive impact on your overall output and performance, regardless if you’re at work or finishing up a personal project.
5. Clean doesn’t mean boring.
Adding some personality to your workspace can have a significant impact on your productivity and overall well-being! Since it’s where you plan to spend the majority of your time doing important work, it’s important that you make the space as inspiring as possible—a place where you actually want to be.
Personalization options are, of course, endless! It depends on your preference, the type of work you do, and what keeps you motivated. Does the sight of plants make you feel refreshed? Maybe you’re more the motivational quotes kind of person. What about photos of your loved ones—family, a significant other, friends, or your children?
There are limitless ways we can add a personal touch of creativity to our little space to help us feel happier and make us more productive.
6. Keep distractions away.
Since we’re actively doing what we can to ensure we’re as productive as can be, there’s one more thing we want to be proactive about: limiting distractions. It can be challenging to stay focused on your work for a myriad of reasons and we don’t want to make it any harder by filling our space with even more things that will prevent us from getting anything done.
One effective way to keep your workspace free from distractions, for example, is by turning off your phone or putting it on silent mode if it’s not essential to the work you’re doing. This can help you resist the urge to check your phone every time you receive a notification. You can also consider using apps or browser extensions that block access to social media sites during your work hours.
If you need more suggestions on how to eliminate distractions, we’ve put together a useful list here.
Start organizing your workspace now and see the difference in your productivity!
There are many things we can do to ensure we're productive and starting on our workspace can really make a difference! With the tips and tricks above, we hope you get more things done that can help you achieve greater things.
What other suggestions can you think of to maximize your workspace? Which ones on this list have you tried yourself? Don’t hesitate to share it with us in the comments below!
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