February 21, 2023 6 min read
It’s not uncommon for us, here at LOCHBY, to see other people’s EDC. We get tagged on social media a lot—which is amazing—and it’s always great to see that our gear is part of someone’s daily carry. We’ve seen so many variations but we’re always curious for more. We also have questions like:
Why do people choose to carry certain items with them and how does it benefit their daily lives? Is their EDC mainly for work or a hobby? What prompted them to buy “this” instead of “that”? It’s always interesting to see how much of someone’s life is reflected in the things they carry every day that we just had to put together a new feature series to get answers!
For our first EDC feature, we interview @dailywalk_edc from Instagram and explore the gear that he has on his daily carry. We’re looking forward to discovering what makes each of these items so valuable and useful.
Enjoy the read!
EDC has always been a part of my life, I just did not know it was a thing. My dad always had a knife, pen, watch, and flashlight. So that kinda was passed down to me. I have a lot of memories where we would both go to look at the knives and flashlights in various stores. It might sound boring to some, but I quite enjoyed the trips to the office and tool stores.
It really came to be what it is today when I reconnected with an old friend, who was heavy into it and was well along into collecting. Our families met at a local restaurant and I am sure we freaked people out as he showed me all the knives that he currently had. It was at that point that I was hooked. The rest is as the old saying goes "history". From that point on, I began to collect and figure out what it is that I wanted in a collection.
I started very light. It was a Benchmade Bugout, a few SAKs, an Olight, a pry bar, a pen, and a hank. Very humble start—no big names or crazy custom stuff.
Just the basics. To a degree, I miss the simplicity of what it was like to start in EDC.
EDC is all about the basics: having just what you need in case you need it. Whether you’re into branded, expensive gear or not, the key is to carry around only what’s necessary.
This is a very loaded question haha. My current gear is more custom knives, pens, and lights. Which is a huge step up from where I started but it is really cool to be able to support and get to know some really cool makers. I wish I could say I have completely nailed down my "style" but after 2 years of buying, trading, and selling, I am still trying to nail down my personal taste in gear but I can say that I am very close.
I can say that I know a lot of things I do not like and things I want to like but I can't make them fit. For example, the pouch craze: I tried it and the only pouches I can make work for my everyday use is a wallet pouch. I have tried the huge ones that guys fill up with all their gear but I cannot make that work for me. So all that to say, I have found a lot of things along the way that does not work for my EDC.
Figuring out what doesn't work for your EDC is a positive step toward creating the perfect setup! With so many options and variations available, it can be overwhelming to choose what to include in your everyday carry. But by knowing what you don't like, you can narrow down your options and create a carry that perfectly suits your daily needs.
Another tough one! Right now there are 3 things that I would consider sentimental. An orange Seiko Samurai, a Microtech Ultratech, and my bugout. Why these? Well all represent beginnings, the watch and knife were on me when my son was born. The Bugout was a gift from my wife and was the start of my EDC journey. I have let a lot of things go over the years that had memories tied to them, but none that reach the level of these 3.
I started looking at all the Instagram accounts out there and started picking out gear I liked. It also helped to have a friend that was close by who would let me check out all his gear so I could have a sense of what I liked and didn't.
Understanding your needs and preferences, plus doing thorough research, is vital when putting together a successful EDC especially if you’re new to it. The presence of a supportive community is also a bonus: by relying on feedback and reviews from others, you can avoid buying gear that isn't necessary or of poor quality, which can save you a lot of time and money.
Well, I am more of a collector than anything else. I do use my stuff lightly but I get my enjoyment from collecting. So to say I need it is a stretch lol. I actually use my pen and flashlight more than anything else. As far as getting it all at once, that is basically what I did and it got costly quickly.
Oh yeah! My stuff has changed dramatically over time as I figure out what I want in my EDC collection. I wish I was rich and could keep every knife but I am not so I have to pick and choose haha. So my stuff will change as I find new things I want to try.
One change this year has been my LOCHBY Pocket Journal. I am trying to be more organized and more intentional about remembering things, so I added it in. It goes everywhere with me now, whereas before I would just use my phone. Unfortunately, I have found that there are too many distractions on my phone and I easily lose focus, so having something physical to write on has helped. That has been a very positive change.
The Pocket Journal has always been a favorite among our customers, especially EDC folks! Journal, wallet, passport holder, plus pockets for pens and other gear… it’s a compact journal case that can hold more than just a notebook.
Usually when someone asks "who has a light or knife" and at the moment, all you have prepared for is coming to fruition. I like to live by the saying, "It is better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it." So I think you need at least a knife, pen, light and watch.
IT IS NEVER ENDING! There is always something I want to add, but I am trying my best to be content with what I have... which I am failing miserably at.
Do not get caught up in the hype of things. Find what YOU like and enjoy, then stick with it. You will go broke chasing the next big thing and it may not even be worth it. Take it slow and tell yourself NO sometimes. There will always be another piece of gear you want.
We can’t agree more about that last bit! At its core, everyday carry is all about necessity so don’t let shiny things distract you!
This is just the beginning of our mission to find out why people’s EDC setups are the way they are. Stay tuned for our next daily carry feature and don’t forget to show @dailywalk_edc some love by following him here!
Until next time!
February 14, 2025 6 min read 10 Comments