World Mental Health Day – 10% Off for a Healthier Mind!

September 17, 2024 12 min read


If you’ve ever faced a difficult time in your life and found that a hobby helped to keep you going, then you’re going to relate to Lao Yang’s story! From bullet journaling to fountain pens, what started as a way for him to organize his life and reignite old passions soon became his path to healing and self-expression.

Now, Lao shares his journey and love for fountain pens to his growing Youtube community, inspiring others to find their own creative outlets. Read on for a story that reminds us that creativity can be a powerful tool for personal growth! 

What inspired you to get into fountain pens and (bullet) journaling?

I was in a very dark moment in my life from 2020 to 2022 where I was fighting what may have been symptoms of depression after I left a job that was very toxic for my mental health. In those two years, I had little to no interest in anything for myself and I was unable to make any progress—but a part of me really wanted to make a change for myself since living like that was extremely painful and unhealthy. 

I took up the idea of making bullet journaling as an artistic means to organize my life and plan my goals and needs. In addition to that, I decided that I would like to start a YouTube channel to share my spreads and planning ideas with the world. However, that plan went to the backburner as I decided I needed to focus on myself a bit more first. Bullet journaling allowed me to utilize my creative side and reignite the sparks for doing things that interest me again. I have always loved writing and remember I would mimic the handwriting styles of my substitute teachers—which I very much fancied! 

Therefore, I decided to invest some money and time into fountain pens to add to my creative journaling spreads. My passion for these two hobbies are what helped me to feel alive again and I know there is so much more work to do to heal and progress in my life - but this was the beginning of that next phase in my life and the change I needed.


It’s really fascinating to see how creativity can sometimes emerge from challenging times. Lao’s journey into bullet journaling and fountain pens is an example of the healing power of creative expression.



What did your first setup look like?

My first setup was a mess! Well, mainly the front calendar page. I was not happy with it at all! I was wondering to myself what theme I should make and I had decided to do an Astrology theme involving cards and divination (I’m a big fan of Final Fantasy 14 and the job Astrologian). But I ended up drawing regular playing cards into my calendar page and I did not like it. 

But I did enjoy the other page spreads I made (sleep tracker, habit tracker, moods/feelings tracker, etc.) as I drew inspiration directly from aspects of the Astrology job from the game itself. I figured that it’s much easier to create when you link it to something you’re passionate about. Tracking my habits, mood, and sleeping patterns really helped me to visualize the issues I’ve been having and then come up with goals on how to improve on those issues.

Was there a turning point that made you realize this was something you wanted to "pursue" in life?

I told myself that if I am going to invest in something that makes me happy, I will take it another step further by sharing that experience with everyone I can reach out to since another passion of mine is helping people. 

I eventually decided that my YouTube endeavors would revolve around talking about and using fountain pens in my daily life rather than creating and sharing bullet journaling spreads. I felt it was too much work for me at the time, with my limited resources, to record the whole process of planning, creating, and utilizing my bullet journal. 

I knew that sharing my experiences and knowledge on fountain pens was a more practical way to showcase and share my experience on YouTube while still enjoying it all! 

Turning points really are pivotal moments that often define our passions!  For Lao, the decision to share their experience with the world marked the beginning of an exciting new chapter and this is so inspirational for us—because now he has an avenue to help others in the same way he’s helped himself.

The icing on the cake is that Lao is enjoying himself and isn’t that what we all want at the end of the day? To be able to do the things we enjoy because what’s the point? 



Do you have a day job, and if so, what is it? 

I am a practicing Family Therapist. I have been a therapist for about 5 years now and I am very happy with the progress I have made and the services I can continue to provide for families. 

What is your favorite technique for staying consistent? Let's say using journaling prompts and such. 

It’s hard to stay consistent sometimes when unexpected life events occur, such as having to get my wisdom teeth taken out! I know that behaviors and habits are instilled within you and are strong when you consistently complete the action for at least 21 days. 

I find time to meditate and prepare for the day every Saturday morning and review my goals for the day and goals for next weekend as I usually will record my fountain pen videos on Saturday and upload them for Sunday. I remind myself that if I don’t have time for everything in my list that it is OK because extra worrying does not help the cause!


How has your journey with fountain pens and journaling evolved over time?

Much like a lot of folks, my journey with fountain pens started off small and inexpensive and became a lot more expensive and refined with time and experience. I tend to stay away from pens that do not interest me as I want to curate a collection of pens that bring me joy. 

For the purpose of my YouTube channel, I will review less expensive pens or pens that I would not buy if I am given them to review and share but I want to stand by my own boundaries I created for myself: to not spend money on things that wouldn’t bring me joy just for the sake of the channel. 

That is where I am at and I am content with my choices of spending, using, and sharing fountain pens. 



How has the system you've used changed over the years?

Bullet journaling requires a ton of discipline and a lot of prior planning. It became a bit more stressful to the point I was skipping every other month so I decided to go with the Hobonichi Cousin planning system.

There were some perks to this switch. Hobonichi used Tomoe River paper, which I feel was superior for fountain pens compared to the thick 160gsm FP friendly paper that most bullet journals contain. I enjoyed the Hobonichi planning system but I was left with feelings of it being TOO structured since it had a lot of pages I didn’t have much use for in terms of the way I plan. 

I made yet another switch to an undated journaling/planning system, which works much better for my creative needs and planning. I can create my own planning spreads for each month and not need to utilize one page per day while also enjoying nice fountain pen paper.

At the end of the day, it’s all about finding a system that works for us to help with staying organized and inspired.Being flexible allows creativity to thrive without us becoming overwhelmed. 

What has been the most rewarding part of sharing your journey on social media?

Sharing my journey on social media has opened up so many doors to conversations with strangers who become friends! 

Humans are social people and we innately crave some interaction even if we are huge introverts. I think that the social aspect of fountain pens is one of the things I needed when I was going through my depression and I am so grateful for all the people I’ve met, the friends I’ve made, and the lovely people I have yet to know!

What's a fun fact about you that your followers might not know?

I used to LOVE doing photography! I guess that could be considered a hobby or passion that people get into and get out of, but I was really happy with doing it at one point in my life. Maybe one day, I can get back into it and utilize the photographs of nature that I capture and use them in my journals! 



What advice would you give to someone just starting to collect fountain pens or are just getting into journaling?

If you are just starting out with collecting fountain pens, do not be afraid to try out different nib sizes from less expensive fountain pens to find your preferred writing style and experience. Once you know your preferences, it’s safest to stick with those preferences when you buy from more expensive pen models (i.e. I would not buy a Broad nib from a more expensive pen since I know I prefer finer writing points and I would not buy an expensive black pen since I prefer colorful pens). 

As for bullet journaling, I don’t think I have ever regretted trying one journaling style over the other. I appreciated each journaling experience, so I say go all out and try out each journaling system until you find one that suits your needs. Who knows, you might enjoy them all!

Are there any common mistakes beginners should avoid?

For fountain pens, I highly suggest buying ink samples first. DO NOT buy ink bottles until you are absolutely happy with the ink's properties in your most used fountain pens. Ink bottles last FOREVER so only buy them when you know you will use that ink color a lot. Ink bottles take up a ton of space so I suggest not collecting them unless you have the space for it! 

Another common mistake is to not clean your pens out when you don’t use them for a while—I have definitely been a culprit of that. Sometimes we get new pens and forget to use others AND forget to clean them out. 

Fountain pens need to be cleaned out if they will not be used for a while to ensure the health and longevity of then pens. If you experience clogging because of unused pens - just dip the nib in water and the inks should flow again. If they do not, do a deep cleaning of your nib/feed!

Every journey begins with a single step and knowing what you're getting into, doing research, and avoiding common pitfalls can save time, money, and frustration. This piece of advice from Lao is really invaluable and though it may seem to be obvious steps, you’ll be surprised by how we, as humans, can become impatient to “just get started”.  



What are your future plans or goals related to your passion?

My future plan is to work alongside Leonardo Oficina Italiana and create my own  Leonardo Exclusive pen someday! I will be volunteering at the Leonardo table at the San Francisco Pen Show and it is my hope to learn more about Salvatore Matrone (owner of Leonardo) and build those connections with amazing makers of the fountain pen world! 

I also plan to define and refine my YouTube brand so that I can feel confident about collaborations with pen makers in the future.

How do you balance your passion with other aspects of your life?

I remind myself that it’s ok to take a break from my passion sometimes and not let it become the one thing I focus on. Like everything else in life, moderation is key. 

I understand that I do YouTube videos to share my fountain pen experiences, but I also know that I have to enjoy other things in my life or prioritize other things. If I don’t allow myself that leeway, I become stressed and overstressing does not help any situation. 

So I like to practice self-forgiveness when it’s needed and continue to be consistent when I am ready again to delve into my passion or anything else that needs me to take a break from now and again.


How do you stay motivated to continue your passion?

As I mentioned above, taking a break helps you to slow down and remember why you loved doing something in the first place. Just like that feeling when picking up an old pen that you have not written for a while and remembering the joy you had with it and why you bought it in the first place. 

I am also someone that likes new experiences to keep me motivated. So I like to buy a lot of ink samples to try—so inking up an old pen with a new ink and finding the right match is always a fun part of the hobby that keeps me motivated to continue writing and journaling!

We love how Lao blends dedication and self-care to be able to stay motivated. We want to keep doing what we love but, at the same time, we also want to be able to tell when we need to step back and take a break. 

Can you share a memorable story or experience related to your passion?

I think meeting a few of my YouTube viewers/followers at the Chicago Pen Show was one of the most memorable experiences I’ve had since engaging myself in my fountain pen passion and the community. I am usually an introverted person, but I enjoy talking to people about things I have a common interest with or something I am passionate about. 

One of my lovely viewers said “Hi” to me and gave me some journaling ephemera that she curated to give away to people—this was such a beautiful gesture and I really appreciated her for talking to me and her thoughtful gift. 

I think that’s one of the wonderful things about sharing my fountain pen experiences on YouTube: the community and getting to know them online and in person eventually!




How did you discover Lochby?

I had initially seen Lochby’s products from EndlessPens—but I have always been a leather person when it comes to stationery and journal covers so I did not try them out at that point. Emma from Lochby reached out to me in April of 2024 and offered to let me try out their products and I was so thrilled to have that opportunity! I definitely like the freedom of their products and it being leather free is a lovely vegan alternative.


How does Lochby help you with your creative or productive pursuits?

I like that Lochby is simplistic yet functional for my personal style of journaling and decorating. I like a journal that is somewhat pre-made, but empty enough that I have freedom to create my own spreads. 

Lochby is a good middle ground for those needs, which I like. I also love that they use the heavier tomoe river paper because it is easier to decorate on it while still showcasing fountain pen ink properties to their fullest.


Do you have any tips for making the most out of Lochby products?

Coming from someone who loves the luxury feel of Traveler’s Notebooks - my tip is to allow your horizons to be expanded as you will find different uses for Lochby’s products. They are a niche within this fountain pen and journaling niche - and everything always has their own use. 

For example, I like thinner fountain pen nibs, but sometimes, I might need a broader nib for a project or I might have an itch for a broader writing tip at times. 

It’s nice to have a variety of things that suit different needs in your life on a whim! And after having used Lochby’s products, I truly feel that their products can serve a different purpose for me that I definitely appreciate.


The right products can always enhance creativity and productivity by offering the flexibility and functionality needed to bring ideas to life! Of course, the beauty of creative and productive pursuits is how there’s always the option to customize and build a system from an already existing one. 



What is your favorite journaling/planning/fountain pen/writing accessory and why?

My favorite fountain pen right now is my Aurora 88 - Volterra. It is this lovely beige color with lots of chatoyance and depth. 

The pen has a cracked ice design and it has multiple shades of beige and a beautiful soft green chatoyance in different parts of the pen. It is such a dreamy pen to look at and it is extremely comfortable in my hand, lengthwise and weight wise - it is perfect! The nib also offers such a unique and precise writing experience, much like a Sailor nib. 

I do not go a single day without using this pen! 

Do you have a favorite quote or mantra that inspires your creative process?

My creative mantra that I love and try to live by is, “Don’t let dreams be dreams. Become who you want to be, not what others want to see”. I think a lot of who I am [and] what I share in my channel and my way of collecting fountain pens directly reflect that quote.  


We love this mantra! It’s very hopeful and helps us focus on what’s important: that to make our dreams come true, what we need to think about is what we, not the world, want for ourselves. 

You can follow Lao on Youtube right here and get inspiration from his still ongoing fountain pen journey! 

2 Responses

Minh Truong
Minh Truong

September 19, 2024

I’m so happy you fountain pen and journaling have brought so much happiness to you. Let me start lining up for that exclusive Leo pen….


September 18, 2024

Thank you for sending this story, you are right it’s always inspiring to pick up on how others people have turned a negative situation into one that helps them overcome an issue, possible even inspiring others to pick up their life ups and downs. Take care.

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