Whether we’re working from home or in an office, a common challenge that we face every day is this: how can we be more productive? We already do a lot, but wouldn’t it be great if we could get more done? After all, we all know a few people who get so much done in a day compared to everyone else—it’s definitely doable, plus it lessens the number of tasks that are carried over the next day, allowing us to meet and even be ahead of deadlines. 

Here’s the thing though: it’s not just about doing. Productivity is affected by a lot of different factors, ones that we can influence! In fact, we have four of them for you in today’s article. We’ve listed some of the ways you can make a positive impact on your own productivity so that you can achieve more this 2022! 


1. Wake up at the same time every day.

A lot of us set our alarms during work or school days only—and we sleep in on the weekends, usually getting a late start in the day because hey, why not? But did you know that waking up at the same time every day can actually help with productivity? This also includes days when we don’t have anything planned! 

There are many benefits to waking up at the same time each day, but one of the most important is the fact that we’re helping ourselves get better sleep too. It helps us fall asleep easier at night, which decreases the chance of sleep deprivation. So we’re more rested and can wake up easier (sleep inertia is a real thing) and, because this useful cycle allows us to get the rest that we need, we then enjoy improved alertness and sharper focus. 

It ultimately leads to better performance since we have the energy to finish our tasks. 


2. Start the day with a routine.

According to this study, having a routine can help form habits, which can lead to lifestyle changes.  That said, how often do you find yourself going through the motions of the day first thing, and as soon as you wake up? You don’t even have to think about what you’re doing—it’s just something you’re used to. However, instead of going on autopilot, being mindful of what your routine is can actually help you set the tone for the rest of the day. 

We can better set ourselves for success by doing activities that can help us feel more energized and motivated. It’s all about having control over what we do so that we start with the right “tone” that can help us approach the day’s tasks with an eager and more positive attitude.


3. Be efficient with your time.

The old adage, “Time is gold”, will always be true: once a minute passes us by, it’s gone for good, which makes it truly precious. We only have a very limited amount of time to do everything that we need to and want to, so if we want to get more done, then we have to be more efficient with the time that we have. 

There are many ways to make sure we’re able to do this: for some, finding a balance between their personal and work lives and going from there is most effective. To others, they require a certain methodology to sort out what needs to be done for the day. There are also people who just need help with motivation or eliminating distractions. The key is to discover what we need to work on and what exactly works for each of us so we can help ourselves with our own productivity. 


4. Figuring out your “intention” is important.   

Having a to-do list for the day is all well and good, but here’s something that’s even more vital: intention. It can be something as simple as choosing to set aside work-related things so you can really enjoy break time or deciding to be more focused by getting rid of distractions like your phone. Think of it as your purpose right now. Whereas things like your list of tasks or goals focus on the future, whether that’s immediate or long term, intentions are more concerned about the here and now. 

Having an intention in mind before you switch from one task to another can help with productivity since it allows you to zoom in—to really look at what you’re about to do and whether it aligns with what you want to get done for the day. Going back to earlier examples, you choose to enjoy your break by not concerning yourself with work because you know rest and reprieve is beneficial to energize you so you can go back to work-related tasks feeling refreshed. By deciding that you’ll be more focused through the act of eliminating distractions, you’ll be on the lookout for things that can steer you away from whatever task is at hand. 



It can be a challenge to stay productive and there’s an endless list of things that can affect just how effective we end up being as we go through our daily tasks. But with the right mindset and having healthy habits, you’ll surely find yourself able to do more in no time! 

Can you think of other ways to increase your productivity? What has worked for you? Please let us know in the comments below—we’d love to hear what you think! 

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