Before you decide to skip this article thinking it's just another post about the science behind the benefits of journaling, think again: for a change, we're shifting the focus away from the numbers, statistics, and probabilities of research - though if you’d like to learn more about the scientific studies of journaling, read our blog post here. We want to switch from emphasizing quantifiable results to highlighting something more impactful - that is, the amazing reasons why journaling can change your life. 

A lot of journalers can attest to the fact that taking pen to paper has transformed their lives beyond their expectations. They start on the journaling journey with a specific change that they want to implement in their life - build a habit, organize a busy day, keep a record of their life, track their to-do's, and a variety of other reasons - only to see, over a period of time, a profound change in every aspect of their lives. 

This is by no means a complete list, but we tried to include some of the most common reasons to make it extensive enough so that it can be a good representation of all the good things journaling can do for you. If you're no journaler, then let this be a good look at what you're missing - though it's never too late to start a journal of your own right now! 


1. Aids in self-discovery and self-improvement.  

Nothing is more helpful than being able to freely express ourselves when it comes to discovering and improving who we are. With the boundaries that exist in real life nonexistent when we're immersed in the process of journaling, we get to practice our freedom of expression. As a result, we find it easier to be honest when looking inward, and this allows us to see who we really are, assess what we're good at, and figure out what else we need to work on in order to become better versions of ourselves. 


2. Acts as a much needed emotional release. 

Journaling is a healthy way to release any pent up thoughts and emotions that we have, all without fear of judgment. It's our "safe" space where we're free to pour our hearts out.

By having a means to let go of unneeded emotional baggage, we feel much lighter as we continue moving forward, unhindered, in life. 


3. Uncovers unique patterns and processes. 

As a record of our innermost thoughts, looking back and reading previous entries can reveal certain patterns that show how we think, learn, and create. Instead of remaining as subconscious processes, journal writing enables and empowers us into being more deliberate, which can help us become productive and successful not just at work, but also in life. 


4. Tracks and measures what's important. 

A daily journal can show us what matters most in our lives. By looking at what we write about regularly, we can gauge the important things, keep track of them, and give them the attention that they deserve. We are then able to better take care of these precious things. 


5. Allows us to be ourselves.  

Whether we admit it or not, we all wear certain masks in the face of others. Journaling rids us of these masks so that we're able to face our true selves. This can provide enlightenment that will help uncover our hidden potential, ones that have just been waiting to shine through, which in turn can help build self confidence that makes us feel good about ourselves.


6. Shows us the bigger picture.   

While helpful in magnifying details that help us with understanding and perspective, journals also give us the opportunity to step back in order to see the bigger picture. This keeps us on the right track and provides a clearer vision as to where we're headed and the goals we're working towards.


7. Helps with decision making.  

Lots of people find that writing their thoughts down can greatly help clear their heads. It's no surprise then that journaling can give us the clarity needed when faced with difficult decisions. It shows everything that we need to consider in a tangible written form, which can offer a new perspective that we haven't considered before. 


8. Gives us the opportunity for great change.  

There's something about a blank page or piece of paper that just causes people to pause and think - which is something that can be very helpful, especially when it comes to reflecting about ourselves. A moment of stillness where we're given a chance to sort our thoughts out in order to make more sense of them gives us a big opportunity: it allows us to make positive changes to who we are and what we believe in. 



There is amazing science to backup all of the reasons listed here, all searchable and some of which we covered in a previous post. But more than just what experts and their scientific results say, we want a list that can show you all of the great things journaling has done for people like you and me - people who are not part of some controlled study but rather ordinary persons just trying to make the best out of what life has to offer. 

What changes, whether part of this list or outside it, have you experienced in your life since first starting your journey as a journaler? And if you have yet to keep a journal of your own, what type of change are you looking forward to making in order to improve the quality of your life? Let us know in the comments!

Again, it's not too late—fountain pens and fancy stationery can wait!

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